Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Grandma is now in heaven watching over us, with grandpa. She passed on January 24, 2011. She is no longer in pain. She is in a better place. Spending forever and ever with grandpa. :-) Grandma went very comfortably, very peacefully, and surrounded by family. She was asleep when it happened.

The last time I saw her was on the 19th. I had a hard time seeing her then. Every day mom asked if I wanted to go and see her, I never did after that, I couldn't. It was heart breaking.  The last time I saw her, it is hard for me to think about now. I didn't think too much about it then though. She wasn't suppose to hug anyone (because of what she had), but I think she knew that was the last time I would see her because she grabbed my arm and pulled. She wanted a hug, I gave her one. No way in hell would I ever not give my grandma a hug when she wanted one.

On the 23rd, Grandma was rushed to the hospital, the doctors thought she wasn't going to make it through the night. She did. As bad as I wanted to go see her in the hospital, I couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to see her like that. I wish I could of. I know she understands, but I just wish I could bring myself to have seen her one last time... Although I will always be able to remember Grandma the way she was. I will be thinking about the memories we shared as well.

Picture time!! :-) Thanks to cousin Norma!!

Dad (Tim), Melvin, Anita, Grandma, and Grandpa
Take in July of 1971

There were 11 kids born, 10 raised (1 passed before a year old), and two sets of twins.
I couldn't begin to try and name them all. lol

Uncle (JT or JC), Grandma, Aunt Ettie, Aunt Ruby (I believe), and Uncle (JC or JT)
Grandma and her twin Aunt Ettie

Them at their 75th birthday party.

The two sets of twins.

I love this picture soooo much!!!

and again.

I also love this picture A LOT!!!!!

Grandma always loved to dye Easter eggs.

 I wrote Grandma a poem...

Broken hearts
Pain and sorrow
Every tear for a reason
Each one for you
We knew it was time
We came prepared
We knew it was to happen
Each one of us have a different way
To ease our pain
We all accepted the time was near
God was looking for a new angel
To help watch over
Each and everyone of us
Grandma, he chose you
We have accepted
Tears and all
You will NEVER be forgotten

One last thing.........
Before I post...
Grandpa passed 25 years ago.
Grandpa was 5 years older.
Grandpa was 63 years old. Grandma was 83 years old. (20 years different)
Grandpa's birthday was on Sept. 26th. Grandma's was on Sept. 17th. (9 days apart)
Grandpa passed away on Jan. 15th. Grandma passed on Jan. 24th (9 days apart as well)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Crazy enough....

For as long as I can remember (probably like since I was 10 or 11) I alwayed said I wanted a tattoo of a rose, here I am about 11 years later, and 5 tattoos later, and I have yet to get a damn rose. lol

I saddly gave into myself, I have been wanting an Eeyore tattoo. I never wanted to actually get it because it would be an meaning less tattoo. However I gave in and went and got it. Its the cutest little thing!!!! I just wanna hug it. lol. When I say little I mean little. Its about 2 1/2 in tall and about 2in wide. lol

Isn't it just sooo cute!!! lol He looks kinds fake, like he was airbrushed on. I hope the color don't fade too much.
So as much as I thought my Eeyore tattoo is meaning less, Mom, Tyra, Tiffany, and Alex changed my opinion alittle. Mom said I have said I wanted an Eeyore tattoo even before I wanted the rose, Tyra said I have loved Eeyore forever!!!, Tiffany said the same thing, and Alex reminded me that it use to be my nickname in school. lol Oh geee, lol.
So this "meaning less" tattoo, turned into a symbol for myself I guess. lol Either way I LOVE IT, and I am glad I got it done.

Song: "Tonight," by Enrique Iglesias
Quote: Still looking for that damn book...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Nothing really?!?!

So I am not a huge chocolate fan, don't get me wrong I do like it but its not something I can eat all the time. But there are these thingys called "Lindor Truffles," and OMG I am in heaven over them. They are sooooo yummy. lol

So anyways... Grandma is doing better in spirit. She said the other day that she knows she won't be going back home. She understands why too. She knows that no one at home can be with her 24/7 and no one can take care of her the way the nursing home does. The last few times that I have seen Grandma she been high spirited, and very talkative. Today she wasn't so much. She was kind of down, but she still talked. Grandma LOVES to talk!! :-)
So Grandma has her own room to herself at the nursing home, and well the walls were very plain. Of course after a few drawing from her great grand kids, and the picture frame I made for her it wasn't. My goal was to make a picture frame with all her grand kids, and great grand kids in, sadly some people didn't get the pictures they needed to get to me, in time. So I had to deal with what I had.
Part 1 of the frame. Her grand kids (minus 2)

Part 2: Her great grand kids (minus (I think) 3)

She loved it and that's all I care about!!! :)

So I gotta share my crazy dream. Lol. I had a dream that tons of people were in like a school or a mall or something like that. Everyone was running out, but no one would tell me why. I was carrying this box thingy and it had like dirt or something in it. Someone ran into me and knocked the box outta my hand and Tiffany caught it. She started dumping the dirt into a trash can (still people were out of the building), I start getting mad and crying, so I tackled her. lol. Her and I followed the people out of the building but I had to go back in because I left my phone in the hallway. I went back in alone and somehow Tiffany was texting me from her phone to her phone (because I had her phone)? haha. Telling me to hurry up because they are coming and Mom and Tyra were waiting. I got my phone and walked out, by time I got out of the building everyone was gone even Mom and Tyra. So I went back in to use the payphone (hello I have a phone haha) And Tiffany come walking in with a snake telling me to hurry up. I walk back outside and Mari is my moms truck waiting for me. I get in the truck, Mari tells me Mom and Tyra were missing, and the big blue bubble was last seen leaving my house and as we were driving away Tiffany was being eaten by the BIG blue bubble monster thingy. Mari drove us to someones house and we got out. She went inside and cooked dinner, while I took a shower. When I got out of a shower my box of dirt was on the floor and I hugged it (weirdo!!!) I walked out of the bathroom, and I couldn't find Mari. She was in the kitchen being cooked by the giant blue bubble thingy. I woke up just as the blue bubble thingy was coming after me. lol
I have no idea what that dream was about or why the hell I had a box of dirt that was "important" to me. Maybe it was keeping the blue bubble away I don't know. lol Thought it was funny.

Song: "My Kinda Party," by Jason Aldean
Quote: No quote today I have been moving my room around and cleaning it more and more, and somehow I lost my book with quotes.

Friday, January 7, 2011

5 this and 5 that

5 favorite stores
They are in order too.....
JC Penney (not for me, for gifts lol)

5 most used websites
They are in order too.....
Google (I love google) lol
Facebook (Do I really need to explain. :))
My school (Gotta do homework)
Yahoo (e-mail)
Blog or Torrid lol

5 favorite colors

5 favorite things to say
Fruit cake

favorite season_________ now…….
Favorite season is FALL
5 things you like to do during this season
Going riding
Sitting outside
Riding lol
Go for walks

5 favorite characters
They are in order too.....
Jack (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Ninja Turtles
Snuffleupagus (Not the show, I just think he is adorable!!! lol)

5  ways you have injured yourself in the past
Ummmm..... I can only pick 5? haha
At Stake Land for my 9th birthday party, I fell and broke my wirst. Later I had to have it rebroke because it wasn't growing back right.
I kicked my shoe off (I was in 9th grade) and I broke my ankle. lol
I dropped a can of corn on my big toe, and yeah I have a blog all about it. lol
Every time I help mom move something, she hurts me. I am better off doing it alone.
I am always doing something to hurt myself lol.

Favorite holiday is ________ now…..
My favorite holiday is Halloween
5 reasons why
You get to be all crazy for one day.
You can be something you're not, without being judged.
It's Tyra's and Eric's birthday.
I get to do make-up all crazy on Tyra and I... Sometimes Chelsea too.
I love seeing the little kids all dressed up.

5 favorites foods
They are in order too.....
Chicken Enchilada Soup
Chicken Alfredo Fettuccini

5 favorite things drinks
ICE Water
Mango Tea
Sweet Tea

Song: "Boys of fall," by Kenny Chensey.
Quote: "I'm the author of my life, and unfortunatly I am writing in pen."

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Well Grandma Hughes went into the hospital on December 21 2010. She was moved to a nursing home (aka Care Center) late last night. Where Hospice is suppose to look her over and stuff. She can't walk anymore, she can hardly stand. Grandma is pretty weak!!!! Her kidneys are hardening, and her bladder is shutting down. The doctors say her body is just shutting down in general. We also just recently found out that she has Mercer. In case you are like me and don't know what Mercer is, it is a staph infection. Grandma will have to be on special antibiotics for a long time to take care of it. Mercer is also VERY contagious. We are suppose to wear gloves and stuff when we go in the room to see her. :(

The doctors say there isn't anything else they can do for her. Sad times right now. However when her time comes we can't stop it, she will no longer be in pain, and I am sure Grandpa is waiting to see her. She has been talking about Grandpa a lot lately, I think she knows her time is coming. :'( I do enjoy hearing stories about Grandpa, and about when Grandma was a child. However I wish she would have always shared those stories!!

Grandma is a strong lady, she never says when she is in pain, she never tells anyone what she wants (she always hints (-: ), and she rarely complains. We love you Grandma!!!!!