Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Grandma is now in heaven watching over us, with grandpa. She passed on January 24, 2011. She is no longer in pain. She is in a better place. Spending forever and ever with grandpa. :-) Grandma went very comfortably, very peacefully, and surrounded by family. She was asleep when it happened.

The last time I saw her was on the 19th. I had a hard time seeing her then. Every day mom asked if I wanted to go and see her, I never did after that, I couldn't. It was heart breaking.  The last time I saw her, it is hard for me to think about now. I didn't think too much about it then though. She wasn't suppose to hug anyone (because of what she had), but I think she knew that was the last time I would see her because she grabbed my arm and pulled. She wanted a hug, I gave her one. No way in hell would I ever not give my grandma a hug when she wanted one.

On the 23rd, Grandma was rushed to the hospital, the doctors thought she wasn't going to make it through the night. She did. As bad as I wanted to go see her in the hospital, I couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to see her like that. I wish I could of. I know she understands, but I just wish I could bring myself to have seen her one last time... Although I will always be able to remember Grandma the way she was. I will be thinking about the memories we shared as well.

Picture time!! :-) Thanks to cousin Norma!!

Dad (Tim), Melvin, Anita, Grandma, and Grandpa
Take in July of 1971

There were 11 kids born, 10 raised (1 passed before a year old), and two sets of twins.
I couldn't begin to try and name them all. lol

Uncle (JT or JC), Grandma, Aunt Ettie, Aunt Ruby (I believe), and Uncle (JC or JT)
Grandma and her twin Aunt Ettie

Them at their 75th birthday party.

The two sets of twins.

I love this picture soooo much!!!

and again.

I also love this picture A LOT!!!!!

Grandma always loved to dye Easter eggs.

 I wrote Grandma a poem...

Broken hearts
Pain and sorrow
Every tear for a reason
Each one for you
We knew it was time
We came prepared
We knew it was to happen
Each one of us have a different way
To ease our pain
We all accepted the time was near
God was looking for a new angel
To help watch over
Each and everyone of us
Grandma, he chose you
We have accepted
Tears and all
You will NEVER be forgotten

One last thing.........
Before I post...
Grandpa passed 25 years ago.
Grandpa was 5 years older.
Grandpa was 63 years old. Grandma was 83 years old. (20 years different)
Grandpa's birthday was on Sept. 26th. Grandma's was on Sept. 17th. (9 days apart)
Grandpa passed away on Jan. 15th. Grandma passed on Jan. 24th (9 days apart as well)

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