Friday, November 19, 2010

Alex's 21st birthday.....

I was going to write this when I got home after going out with them, but I went to bed instead. :)

Wednesday (11-17-10) was Alex's 21st birthday. So Tiffany and I took him out to eat, to the casino, and wal-mart.

We went to Apple Bees, and Alex had his first legal drink, his second, and his third, don't worry he ate dinner. lol It was pretty fun, the waiter must of liked Alex because we weren't charged for his drinks, at all. Oddly the waiter was a guy.

After Apple Bees we went to the casino, where Alex had his fourth drink. Alex got some free money on a card for his birthday (from the casino I am mean). Although it was a bitch trying to figure out how to use it, good thing I didn't have to deal with it I would got pissed lol. Poor birthday boy lost all the money he had, Tiffany lost more than half, and well I walked away with the $50 I started with plus a $1.95 more. haha

After all that we went to wal-mart, of course. All we did was walk around while Alex decided to smell a few things. I have no idea what he was doing. lol

So it was a good night I had fun, until I got home. I had a friend waiting for me. It was a daddy long leg spider. The thing was HUGE, he was as big as a tire. lol jk But no really this bad boy was HUGE, put it this way the body of it was the size of a dime and the legs omg were HUGE. He landed on my arm, and if I didn't know what the thing was I would of woke the whole neighborhood up by screaming.  lol

Over all it was a blast, I hope Alex enjoyed himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Song: "Rockin to the Beat," Black Eyed Peas
Quote: "When you think that you can't make a difference, remember that one raindrop makes the ocean raise."

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